Statement from NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy on Governor Cuomo’s 2021 Executive Budget Presentation
January 21, 2020… “Andrew Cuomo has run New York’s budget into the red to the tune of at least $6 billion, but all we heard from him was dishonest rhetoric, obfuscation, and his fuzzy Albany math. While the Governor rattled off a laundry list of new spending items and inconsequential pet projects, like redesigning the state flag, he offered zero acknowledgement of our record-breaking population drain or the state’s precipitous economic decline. The Governor has no plan to reverse New York’s status as the highest taxed, least business friendly climate in the nation. His cursory mention of his disastrous bail reform laws offered no sense of urgency, while New Yorkers’ safety continues to be at risk. Three terms of Andrew Cuomo can be summed up with three words: colossal economic failure.”