Cox: When Democrats Can’t Compete, They Cheat
ALBANY – NYGOP Chair Ed Cox today released the following statement in following Kathy Hochul signing into law a bill to allow mail-in early voting:
“When Democrats can’t compete, they cheat. This is a blatant effort to consolidate total, one-party control at every level of government.
“Mail-in early voting is a direct violation of New York’s State Constitution and will be challenged in court. This legislation is clear affront to the will of the voters who just two years ago resoundingly defeated a constitutional amendment to create ‘no-excuse absentee voting.’
“It is also important to note that neither the Assembly nor Senate conducted any public hearings on this measure before it was rushed to passage at the end of the legislative session.
“The Republican Party will continue the fight to protect election integrity and defend New Yorkers from Democrat extremists who blatantly ignore our state constitution and our political traditions.”