Statement from NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy Opposing Governor Cuomo
and Democrats’ Plan to Raise Taxes and Fees on New Yorkers
December 10, 2020… “New York is on the edge of a cliff and a Cuomo tax increase will be the final shove that seals our fate. New York’s fiscal problems have not come from a lack of revenue–they are the result of Democrats’ tax and spend policies that have driven millions of jobs and New Yorkers to other states.
“A tax on the so-called wealthy, aka our revenue generators, will accelerate the exodus of our critical financial industry and the legislature’s proposed package delivery fee is a regressive tax that hits the working and middle class the hardest.
“Federal aid to deal directly with the covid emergency is necessary and fair, but it’s not the solution to cover up years of bad fiscal policies that made New York the highest taxed, least-business friendly climate in the nation. Neither is taking more money from overburdened New Yorkers.
“The Republican Party will fight these proposals every step of the way and hold Cuomo accountable for the destruction of our state.”