Chairman Cox: “If Governor Cuomo is as dedicated to ‘New York Values’ as he says he is, he must also ask for her resignation.”
New York–April 5th…The NYGOP called on Assemblywoman Diane Richardson to resign her seat in the wake of racist, anti-Semitic comments made at a community board meeting this week, and challenged Governor Cuomo to have his actions match his rhetoric and also call for her resignation.
The NY Post reported Assemblywoman Richardson went on a 50-minute rant at a Community Board 17 meeting Wednesday evening blaming “Jews for gentrifying in her district,” referring to Senator Simcha Felder as the “Jewish senator from southern Brooklyn” and invoking race to characterize New York City neighborhoods. She ordered board officials to shut off the meeting’s tape recorder before making her comments. The remarks were so offensive even local Democratic officials in the audience were outraged.
“Assemblywoman Richardson knew exactly what she was doing when she made her hateful, anti-Semitic comments, and someone with those views has no business serving in state government receiving a taxpayer-funded salary,” said NYGOP Chairman Ed Cox. “Her offensive remarks were made worse by her insulting, conditional ‘apology.’ If Governor Cuomo, who loves to talk so much about ‘New York values,’ means what he says, he must also demand her resignation.”