In case you missed it, IRS data showed that New York joined California as the states losing the most tax income as citizens fled to low-tax red states like Texas and Florida.
New York, California lost more tax income than every other state as people fled liberal enclaves
By Aaron Kliegman | Fox News
New York and California experienced the largest loss of tax income from migration of any states in the country as residents fled the deep-blue havens in droves, according to a new study that also found that Texas and Florida got the biggest IRS tax benefits from people moving in., an online real estate portal, conducted a study of IRS migration data and found that California lost more than $340 million in 2021 IRS tax revenue due to residents moving.
As for the states that lost the most tax money due to migration, New York experienced the second-biggest drop next to California, losing just under $300 million from its yearly tax base. A separate study by WalletHub found recently that New York imposes the most burdensome taxes on its residents of all the country’s 50 states.
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