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Here's how they did it:
Allowed our Illegal Migrant Crisis to Spiral Out of Control Kathy Hochul signed an Executive Order making New York a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants and appealed a New York State Supreme Court decision preventing illegal immigrants from benefiting from New York’s Right to Shelter policy. As a result, more than 200,000 illegal migrants have descended on New York and Venezuelan gangs are recruiting children from shelters. Laken Riley's convicted killer, Jose Ibarra, took a 'humanitarian flight' from NYC to Atlanta just months before he attacked and killed her. Yet Hochul’s solution has been to grant illegal migrants taxpayer benefits and spend $4.3 billion in taxpayer dollars to fund migrant housing, healthcare, and education.
Imposed a Congestion Pricing Tax on New York Motorists Kathy Hochul imposed a $9 fee on suburban and outer borough motorists driving into Manhattan’s central business district. This is a tax on New Yorkers who drive to work, attend school or use New York hospitals, and it will cost families thousands more each year, just to bail out the bloated MTA, which has refused to collect over $750 million each year from fare jumpers.
Putting Criminals over Citizens Cashless Bail, the Clean Slate Act, the Raise the Age Act, and discovery reform have all released dangerous criminals back into our neighborhoods and made it harder to put them back behind bars.
Looked the other way on Anti-Semitism Kathy Hochul has failed to address rising antisemitic behavior, especially on our college campuses, and had nothing to say when New York Democrats in the House voted against H.R. 9495 -- legislation to crack down on non-profits supporting groups designated by the U.S. government as supporting terrorism (e.g., Hamas).
Declared War on the Suburbs Kathy Hochul tried to end local zoning and mandate high density, high-rise housing developments in suburban communities that don’t want them.
Supported the Radical Takeover of our Schools Kathy Hochul helped pave the way for boys in girls’ sports and locker rooms, as well as so-called “gender affirming care” behind parents’ backs, while cutting millions in state aid for suburban school districts.
Failed to Promote Charter Schools Education is the surest path to upward social mobility, and Kathy Hochul has refused to lift the cap on charter schools, which spend half the money per student as traditional public schools with better results, particularly for Black and Hispanic kids. Thousands of families are left stranded on waitlists.
Insulted Black Kids The soft bigotry of low expectations is alive and well in today's Democratic Party. According to Kathy Hochul, black kids in the Bronx "don't even know what the word 'computer' is."
Failed to Develop Natural Gas, but Banned Gas Stoves New Yorkers pay the highest energy prices in America, adding to the state’s affordability crisis. Kathy Hochul has extended New York's ban on natural gas development, even prohibiting new, harmless techniques. While the economy in our Southern Tier languishes, safe natural gas development right across the border in Pennsylvania has created thousands of jobs. If that wasn't enough, she even banned gas stoves in new home construction in a giveaway to the radical left.
Employed a Chinese Communist Spy Kathy Hochul employed Linda Sun as her Deputy Chief of Staff. Sun was arrested and charged with being an agent of the Chinese Communist Party.
The Corruption of our Courts Kathy Hochul has no influence on the out-of-control Democratic majority in both chambers of the Albany legislature. Her appointment of the Court of Appeals Chief Judge was denied – a first since a governor’s selection for this key role has never been turned down by the legislature. In his place, Albany radicals put a progressive activist in control of our highest court.
Turned a Budget Surplus into a Deficit When she took office, New York enjoyed an $8.7 billion budget surplus. Hochul abandoned the state’s spending cap policy and now the state faces significant deficits. The Citizens Budget Committee projects a long-term structural imbalance of $16.8 billion.
New Yorkers Pay the Highest Taxes in the Nation Study after study has concluded that New Yorkers pay the nation’s highest state and local taxes, including the largest property tax burden. As prices skyrocket, New Yorkers are also being pushed into higher tax brackets because we are one of only a handful of states with graduated income tax rates that fails to index those rates to inflation. Combined with inflation, this is a double whammy for struggling New Yorkers.
Losing New York’s Manufacturing Base Under Kathy Hochul, New York’s manufacturing base has continued to deteriorate, costing thousands of New Yorkers high-paying jobs and pushing local property taxes even higher. The recent closure of the century-old Sumimoto tire plant in Western New York and subsequent loss of 1,550 jobs is the latest example of Kathy and Democrats chasing jobs out of New York.
Botched Legal Marijuana Rollout Kathy Hochul’s administration failed to properly implement the state’s adult use marijuana law, allowing hundreds of unlicensed pot shops to flout the law and illegally operate across the state, while permitting marijuana to be openly smoked on the street.
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