Faso in Times Union: State’s Top Court Must Reject Redistricting Case

Good morning – we want to make sure you saw this op-ed by John Faso in this morning’s Albany Times Union:

Commentary: State’s top court must reject redistricting case

Democrats continue to try to find a way to draw congressional maps in their favor. The courts can’t let that happen.


By John Faso
Albany Times Union

The state Court of Appeals will soon hear a case, Hoffman v. New York State Independent Redistricting Commission, which could have national political implications in the battle to control the U.S. House of Representatives. The Albany-based Appellate Division ruled in Hoffman that congressional districts should be redrawn by the commission, thereby handing ultimate control of the process back to the state Legislature.

The case also has serious implications for the viability of the 2014 constitutional amendment adopted by New York voters. The primary purpose of that amendment was to limit the power of the Legislature over redistricting and to explicitly bar partisan gerrymandering in creation of new districts.

If the court does not expressly reverse Hoffman, the 2014 amendment will be rendered a functional nullity. As warned by the League of Women Voters, sending this issue to the IRC will turn the entire process into a legislative charade, letting future legislatures return to business as usual.

Despite their protestations to the contrary, business as usual is what state Democrats want.

Continue reading at TimesUnion.com



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