NYGOP Joins Calls for Him to Return Tainted Crystal Run Donations & Cease Further Payments to the Company
New York–September 4, 2018….The NYGOP today joined the call for Governor Cuomo to return the $400,000 in tainted campaign donations he received from Crystal Run Healthcare in exchange for a $25 million state grant they didn’t need and to cease further payments to the company.
The donations made to Cuomo and subsequent state grant they were awarded for two new offices they were already building are now the subject of a federal pay-to-play investigation. New reporting by the Albany Times Union revealed Crystal Run purchased expensive artwork, sound systems and floral arrangements, and the state has already reimbursed them six million dollars, including more than one million worth of office furniture. Crystal Run is one of the fastest growing private health companies, and seemingly well-off following their 2013 sale and lease-back netting $141 million.
“This deal stunk to high heaven the minute we learned of it, but the more we find out the worse it gets,” said NYGOP Chairman Ed Cox. “This is corporate welfare on crack. It’s outrageous that Cuomo would give away millions of taxpayer’s hard-earned money just to fill his campaign account. He should return the $400,000 and be indicted as both a matter of law and public opinion.”