ALBANY – NYGOP Chair Ed Cox released the following statement:
“Senator Schumer’s speech criticizing Israel today was a disgrace. He is obviously attempting to appease radical elements in his party who oppose Israel.
“Israel is fighting for its very survival against Hamas, a vile and evil force that attacked it on October 7th. Schumer’s words won’t bring a quicker peace to Gaza; instead, his words send a message of division within the U.S. and will encourage Hamas to continue its war. Hamas bears responsibility for civilian deaths in Gaza; in fact, civilian deaths among Palestinians is a war aim of Hamas as it seeks to damage Israel in the eyes of the world.
“Sen. Schumer’s speech was a calculated political response to anti-Israel elements within his party. He has more concern with holding a Senate seat in Michigan apparently, than with seeing Israel prevail against Hamas. He should be ashamed.”