We thought you should see this piece on a Colorado law that permits radical teachers to socially transition a child without their parents’ knowledge or consent. If Prop 1 passes, this horror could soon come to New York:
Colorado law forcing schools to use students’ transgender names faces court challenge
The Washington Times
By Valerie Richardson
August 13, 2024
DENVER — The parents of a Colorado girl are suing state and local authorities after her school helped her undergo a social gender transition, including using an opposite-sex name and connecting her with a transgender therapist without her family’s knowledge.
The lawsuit filed by the anonymous couple seeks to block House Bill 1039, the newly enacted Colorado law requiring schools to use the nonlegal “chosen name” of gender-transitioning students as young as 5.
The complaint also challenges the 2021 policy of 27J Schools, a Brighton school district, forbidding staff from disclosing children’s opposite-sex identity to their families without student permission.
“In Colorado, minors may not get a tattoo of their new name and pronouns without parental consent, but they may adopt that new name and pronouns at school without parental consent or even notice,” said the motion filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court for Colorado. “That is irrational, and these practices must end.”
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