NYGOP Chairman Nick Langworthy, Joined by Congressman Tom Reed and Sheriff “Butch” Anderson,
Files Paperwork to Place President Trump on the 2020 New York Ballot
“The New York Republican Party Stands Strong With President Trump to Give Him Four More Years”
Albany, NY–February 24th…On behalf of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., New York Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy today filed the necessary paperwork for President Trump to appear on the 2020 New York ballot.
Chairman Langworthy was also joined by New York State Chairmen Congressman Tom Reed and Dutchess Sheriff “Butch” Anderson.
“The New York Republican Party stands strong with President Trump and we are excited to help give him four more years,” said NYGOP Chairman Langworthy. “The contrast in this election could not be more clear: President Trump is delivering historical successes here at home and abroad, while the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination is an avowed socialist who praises murderous dictators and will bankrupt our country. Today marks the beginning of our campaign to not only help President Trump win re-election but to deliver great Republican across the state of New York.”